Don't Doubt Your Worth...


You should accept yourself as you are.If only you knew what you mean to others.  So often, we notice the  bad and not the good; we notice the useless backstabbing talks behind us but not the  smile on the person’s face we hold the door for. If your loved ones shouts in anger we every time notice that.But we are the only one who can make them feel better and happy but we don't notice that.You were born for a reason,  and sent here to change more lives than you can imagine.We spend so  much time hoping, wishing, and praying for help that we forget that maybe, just maybe, we are also the help to someone else has been hoping,  wishing, or praying for.  Just as much as we want answers, we have to  remember; we are someone’s answer.  And that should give you meaning and  worth, even in your darkest days.

      This world is not easy place to live in.It's not supposed to be.It's rough and slippery.Lots of struggle and pain exists in this world.Struggle, Sacrifices,Pain makes us stronger day by day.Accept the lessons from the past but don't regret .Always try to move on by learning lessons from the past.Rather than becoming victim of past try to use your experiences to shape your future.Our scars are the maps of what we lived through and allow us to help others along those same paths.You have already been so many people’s  inspiration, lesson, answer, and question. So this makes you a very very important person. You have been someone’s love  and perhaps even pain.  You have been someone’s reason to smile. You echo in millions of others lives and don’t even  realize it.  And you can’t.  Your meaning is beyond your comprehension, and that is a good thing.Be Kind &Stay humble.                 

Do not ever doubt your worth .You are beautiful 

Speical,loved and an amazing gift from the God.

Don't let anyone treat you like you are less than 


Every Individual is A Gem😊


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