
That Memorable Vacations Spent With Friends... Part 1

That Memorable Vacations Spent With Friends... Part 1 It is said that even planning a trip gives something to look forward to and brings happiness- and it is so true-with friends. But I must say traveling with friends always brings out a different side of who you are. It leaves marks on you. Most of the time, those marks are on our hearts and they are beautiful. One day Trunay and I were discussing semester exams and practicals. Suddenly I asked him What we will do after the exam?  Are we going to follow the same routine Go to your hometown, eat, sleep and repeat for a month?  N ow our focus was shifted to an after-exam discussion which now looks more important than this semester's exam shit. So Trunay said we should plan a trip of 5-6days.  I and Trunay finalized the location where we need to travel after a lot of discussions. The city on the Eastern Coast Of India is Vishakhapatnam . The city is also famously known as the "City Of Destiny" .Later we told our plan to eve

Special Traits of Optimistic Person...

TRAITS OF OPTIMISTIC PERSON    Picture Say Lot Rather Than Words......👆 No Human want to be sad & negative i.e Pessimist then try to explore  the qualities of optimistic person that you should try adopting .... Optimistic people always try to be happy & positive and don't see glass half empty.These people don't see problems as problem but they see that as opportunities.They will not complain about anything.They always try to look on bright side instead getting stuck on negativity.This does not mean that optimistic person will never experience setback or failure in their life but they will try to control situation in positive perspective.They believe that "Difficulties come not to obstruct but instruct" .That's simple reason that these guys shine brighter than negative mindset people. Positive thinker's like them always think and talk continually about their goals.They think about what they want and how to get it.As they are goal oriented person they w

Don't Doubt Your Worth...

  You should accept yourself as you are.If only you knew what you mean to others.  So often, we notice the  bad and not the good; we notice the useless backstabbing talks behind us but not the  smile on the person’s face we hold the door for. If your loved ones shouts in anger we every time notice that.But we are the only one who can make them feel better and happy but we don't notice that.You were born for a reason,  and sent here to change more lives than you can imagine. We spend so  much time hoping, wishing, and praying for help that we forget that maybe, just maybe, we are also the help to someone else has been hoping,  wishing, or praying for.  Just as much as we want answers, we have to  remember; we are someone’s answer.  And that should give you meaning and  worth, even in your darkest days.       This world is not easy place to live in.It's not supposed to be.It's rough and slippery.Lots of struggle and pain exists in this world.Struggle, Sacrifices,Pain makes us
 Independence Day It's been 74 years since India marked it's first independence day on 15 August 1947 .The Day is  most important for citizens and will remain most important day in history too as our Nation got freedom from British rule.However we cannot forget the history which reveals that how our ancestors and forefathers sacrificed their entire life for Nation & then we got title of "Independent India" .This day marks the bravery of our freedom fighters. One should always keep in mind the flag that we raise is our head ,that we shall never let anyone down.The flag is also the heads of that innocent soldiers who were martyred while protecting our Nation .We shall not let them down either.Today let us all come together for cause of unity , fight against corruption & poverty free country.So this Independence day let us join the hands to make India a better place to reside. Happy Independence Day 2020

Motivation in Marathi

जीवनातल्या समस्या सोडवताना .... आपल्या जीवनात विविध समस्या आपल्या मार्गावर अडथळा निर्माण करतात त्यासाठी जादुई त्वरित उत्तराची आपण अपेक्षा करू नये.याचा सामना आपल्याला स्वतः करावा लागतो .कोणी येईल आणि आपल्या समस्या सोडवेल यापेक्षा स्वतः आपली वाट शोधा. आपण प्रत्येक क्षण जसा जीवन जगतात  त्या मार्गाने उत्तर मिळवा. इतर व्यक्ती आपल्या विषयी काय विचार करतात याचा तुमच्या वर कमीतकमी प्रभाव पडायला पाहिजे.तुमचा तुमच्या वर पूर्ण विश्वास असणे गरजेचे आहे.प्रत्येक प्रयत्नात ,प्रत्येक शब्दात ,प्रत्येक सवांदात आपण चांगुलपणाने जगा.मानवी पातळीवर चांगले रहा आणि तुमचा हा चांगुलपणा आणि समजूतदारपणा तुम्हाला नेहमी बरोबर मार्ग दाखवेल. जीवनातील समस्यांचे उत्तर स्वतंत्र पणे निवडलेले आणि विश्वासूपणे  जगणारे असावे.  आपण जगत असलेल्या प्रत्येक नवीन क्षणाला राग , खंत आणि शंका मुक्त जगाल तर काय होईल? प्रत्येक नवीन क्षणाला नवीन संधी म्हणून जगा. आपण समस्या कायमस्वरुपीअडथळा म्हणून नव्हे तर अर्थपूर्ण कर्तृत्वासाठी मार्ग म्हणून पाहू शकता. निराश होण्याचे कारण म्हणून आपण निराश होऊ शकत नाही तर पुढे जाण्याचे कारण म्हणून आपण पाह

Cleanest City Of India: Indore | Madhya Pradesh

   Incredible Madhya Pradesh.... Cleanest City Of India : Indore Hey guys welcome to my first travel blog.😄 It was Mid-Sept 2019 and we planned a trip to Indore.Before I share my amazing experiences in Indore here's the brief introduction to cleanest city in India which is also commercial capital of Madhya Pradesh.  Happy Reading😎 It is situated on Malwa Plateau on banks of small rivers Saraswati and the Kahn . This city came under the rules of Maratha Kings of Holkar Dynasty when Dynasty's founder Malhar Rao Holkar was appointed as Governor of Malwa Region by Maratha Peshwa Baji Rao. Malhar Rao Holkar was succeeded by his daughter-in-law Ahilyabai Bai Holkar, one of the greatest women in Indian History. Indore is the city which have significant impact on finance, commerce, fashion ,research, technology, education etc. The only city in India which has both IIT (Indian Institute Of Technology) and IIM (Indian Institute Of Management).With latest technological advancement


‘Coronavirus is Earth’s vaccine. We’re the virus’ What are your views on above statement? Corona virus lockdowns around the world made number of positive effects on environment from cleaner air to liberated wildlife . Just Imagine How was the Air Quality before lockdown? We know that the air was so toxic to breath due to huge emissions of green house gases that were emitted since many decades. Did you guys notice the rise in temperatures of Earth? It happened due to increase in emission of green house gases and and from depletion of ozone layer. Consequences of this are huge including increased sea levels and melting of glaciers. During Lockdown : Air Quality & Visibility Improvements Greatest positive effect of lockdowns is we started to breath cleaner & fresher air as the roads were empty and industries were shut down. Jalandhar,Punjab wakes up to view of Himalayan Mountain Ranges  nearly after 30 years.The ranges lie 200 km to Jalandhar but were clearly vi